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Right Minded Opinions

Politics, News, and Conservative Ideals

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A couple of great editorials.

After spending a weekend at the NCGOP Convention, I am now back and ready for my next post. I was surfing around the internet and of course as a good conservative I always like to check out the editorials. I guess that's something that anyone who loves politics would do.

The first one is our great buddy Al Gore. Promoting his new book...check this one out. If anything it's worth the laugh. But before giving you the link I'll leave you with a funny age old rumor/quote but still completely hilarious. "I invented the internet!"

Al Gore's telling whoppers again

This one is more on the serious side and has to do with Bush failing to protect the nation. I don't know if I completely agree with the idea that he has no idea how to protect the homeland but I definitely think there are examples and areas where he is not doing the job. Not to beat a dead horse by referring to the last post but not securing the borders is a national security crisis.

Bush has no clue how to protect the homeland

I'll end with this last one for now. This editorial talks about how the liberals in America need to get on board with fighting terrorism. I cannot agree with this more. Yes, there are differences in the two parties and of course they shouldn't agree on every issue. But to deny or not see that terrorism is a real danger IS a national security issue. Check this editorial out.

Liberals Need New Narrative That Takes Terrorism Seriously