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Right Minded Opinions

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Monday, June 05, 2006

06/08' election projections.

I don't mean to continue to harp on the Immigration issue but it seems to be the hottest issue with the American public. Many consultants believe this will be the main issue that will define the 2006 midterm elections. I could not agree more with them. This article from the Washington Times gives you the latest on this. What are you thinking McCain?

Immigration shapes congressional races - by Charles Hurt - Washington Times

Well everyone knew that McCain would get some backlash for his stance on immigration. Now it shows that people do care about what the government is going to about illegal immigration.

This article was released today and is a thermometer survey. They show that Giuliani is becoming a frontrunner and McCain is cooling off. I definitely think this is related to McCain's latests blunders with graduation speeches and the Senate bill.

Giuliani, McCain Are Hottest Presidential Candidates...

As always I'll keep you posted on my comments on the latest editorials...