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Right Minded Opinions

Politics, News, and Conservative Ideals

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Bad Politics: Why the Media Should Protect the Marine Corps Honor.

It is my understanding as an American that you are innocent until proven guilty. This is a precedent that is championed in the way our criminal system is setup. It is also prided throughout American society as the standard when these accusations arise.

So why does the media hold our American service men to a different standard?

Another idea championed in western thought is that what is evident of a small group is not necessary an accurate reflection of the whole group. Yet the media has portrays an isolated incident in Haditha to be telling of the whole Marine Corp.

Why is this wrong?

First, most people believe that the mission of America's service men, especially the Marines, is honorable. Most parents with a son or daughter in the service are proud of their children's sacrifice to this country. Why are we smearing our protectors of freedom in our own papers? This is appalling not to mention ungrateful.

I do not think that the behavior of those select individuals should be excused but the media does nothing to protect the Marine Corps dignity. No, instead they do publicity stunts and publish what is rumored to be a marine singing a song about the incident.

The media has a unique way of shaping public opinion. By publishing any rumor about misconduct in the military on the front page they are only advancing a left-winged mindset that putting on an American uniform is not honorable.

Not to mention, Imagine if you were a Marine manning a road block in Iraq and everyday you heard reports of men dying at these blocks. On top of the first reports you hear of front page newspaper and media reports of Marines being court marshaled and how dishonorable our military men are. I believe this would kill the motivation and moral of any person when they feel the reason they are risking their lives is to protect those people that are writing such reports.

Another relative article is: The Nobility of the United States Marine Corps - by. Tom Bevan

Techonrati Tags: Marines, Media, Politics, News, Iraq, Haditha, Military.