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Right Minded Opinions

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Friday, June 09, 2006

Democrats at it again: Trying to turn football into futbol.

Well it should not be a surprise that the Dems are going after Hispanic votes. They will do anything as shown below anything to get votes.

They have stationed their front at the upcoming World Cup.

They make claims that Bush's plan does not go far enough with amnesty. The American public has made it clear they DO NOT want any sort of amnesty bill. But the democrats don't seem to care about the American public's view. Look at what they are proposing and then the public's view.

I can't help to say that the Democrats and Ms. Pelosi need to put their shoes back on and get in touch with the American people. Legal immigrants are the ones most adamant about illegals not having to work through the current immigration system.

If the Democrats want to court Hispanics through soccer. Go ahead! Hispanics like other groups vote on issues that are most important to them. The Democrats actually lost ground in the 2004 elections when an unprecedented 40% of Hispanics voted for Bush.

Why? Because family and religion are the most important values to Hispanics and most hold conservative values in regard to them.

Do not be fooled though if you are Hispanic. The democrats merely want the 12 million votes from illegal immigrants. Learn from how the party has treated African Americans by promising to represent their group and giving them little to no voice inside the party.

I believe most any American, Hispanic or not, believes that securing our nations border should be the Congress' #1 priority before any talks about a temporary worker program are done. The borders must be secure before so that we can stop the stream of undocumented immigrants into the country.