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Right Minded Opinions

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Not a Good Day to be a Terrorist!

First, let me hand it to America's military for their superb execution on finding and killing the most wanted terrorist in the world.

Second, let me hand it to Isreal's military for their superb execution on killing the second most wanted terrorist in the world.

Everyone that has a TV was sure to learn about the first of these two victories but the 2nd one came later and under the radar. I learned about it from a blog I read often. You can see Michelle Malkin's post by clicking below...

Another One Bites The Dust

Of course with anything in politics you have dissent which is a good thing. But boy did Congressman Pete Stark pick the wrong day to come after the President. The Democratic Representative from California called this a "political game" to take attention of the President's poll numbers.

WHAT?!? I mean we just killed a man that has been terrorizing Iraq and our men and women in uniform for years and your statement in the newspaper is "political game."

I pray the military men in his district do not see that. Or if they do they raise some questions of whether they have the right man in office.

Ok. So #1 down and on to #2. Wait...#2 down also.

Jamal Abu Samhadana - Killed by an Israeli Airstrike earlier today.

Definitely not a good day to be a terrorist.